Thoughts on South African and international politics and culture

Monday, March 31, 2008

He's baaaaack!
Not heading past lessons, Eugene Terre'Blanche has resurrected the AWB and is back to his old tricks:
"Africa has not yet satiated itself on the blood of our women and our children. The land has inherited our beautiful ones," he calls.

"But I am willing to die for the ashes of my father and the temples of his gods and the blood of our children if I am not going to be allowed to live in peace in my fatherland. Our language is born out of the grass, veld, trees and wind of this fatherland. We named the mountains in a new language."

The AWB's new plan for the boere is simple: it wants their land back, their nationhood. And their plot is not to put in a land claim like so many other South Africans, with the dream of repossession buried deep in the soil of their ancestors.

Theirs is to exert the power of three critical title deeds that, technically, may reveal "the Boer nation" to indeed be in possession of at least Vryheid in kwaZulu-Natal, the old strongholds of Stellaland and Goosen in the far North-West and sections of the Free State.

Visagie refers to the Conventions of Sand River in 1852 and Bloemfontein in 1854 and the folly of Voortrekker leader Piet Retief in 1837.

If the AWB does not succeed it will take its case to The Hague and, if it does not succeed there, it will take up arms, it claims.
