Tokyo's Chance
I think Tokyo read my post from yesterday. He came out today with a "third way unity" list which is premised on the delivery of a party president drawing his lieutenants from both Zuma and Mbeki camps.
Tokyo's definitely feeling a bit of strain after being left out in the cold by the regional ANC branches, but one wonders whether this will have any hope of seeing the light. For my money, I think not...
Tokyo Sexwale's supporters have put a new list on the ANC succession table, premised on neither Jacob Zuma nor President Thabo Mbeki in the top six, but incorporating lieutenants in both rival camps.
The so-called "third way unity list" has Sexwale in the position of president, but includes names in the Zuma and Mbeki camps which the ANC business tycoon's campaign agents hope will result in "maximum unity".