Zuma feeling presidential
Spats with the NEC aside, Zuma is really doing his utmost to look presidential of late. His performance in Davos was all ruler, discussing the future policy direction of the country and defining who and who will not be there when he takes over. Interstingly, he was yesterday taking the moral high ground on the Eskom debacles, following Alec Erwin's highly questionable line that its the fault of the burgeoning economy, and not of any number of persons within the government's offices.
"The strides we have made since 1994 in growing our economy and improving the quality of life of our people have brought along such a serious pressure on our energy sources.Thabo must have ground most of his molars down by now...
"South Africans have in recent weeks, as you may have heard, experienced power outages. The government has declared a national electricity emergency to deal with the energy challenge."
Zuma said that the government had called on all citizens to "become part of a national movement to conserve electricity in their residential areas and workplaces whilst ensuring that key functions, safety and security are not compromised".
"While government admits that planning could have been better a few years ago, we must also appreciate that we have a growing economy that is working at full capacity.