Thoughts on South African and international politics and culture

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Clinton takes on Fox
The great Sunday news story in the US was former president Bill Clinton losing his rag at Fox News' Chris Wallace during an interview. Clinton was asked to come on to Fox for a 15-minute interview, with half the questions discussing his charity initiatives, and the rest asking other "topical questions".

The background to this interview is that there has been a marked Republican campaign in the US press over the past few months to deflect blame for the difficulties currently being experienced in the 'War on Terror' to the Clinton administration's "failure" to kill Osama Bin Laden.

It takes little time for the Fox machine to roll into action, asking a few precursory questions, before diving in to the Republican party line of shifting the blame to Clinton. Bubba gets pretty riled by this, and launches into a bit of verbal sparring with Wallace. It's great to see how articulate he is, even under quite significant pressure, and the result is pretty entertaining. Fox have told You Tube to remove the video from their servers (after it got over 800 000 views on Monday), but Google Video has the whole interview here.
